Nineteen students and one adult were injured Wednesday morning during a stabbing rampage at a Pennsylvania high school.
"I need some units here ASAP"
"One individual has a knife"
"3 stab victims"
The first emergency call was placed at 7:13 a.m. According to Murrysville Police, a 16-year-old male sophomore student, who is in custody, carried two knives into the school and allegedly injured 19 students ranging in age from 15 to 17 years old and one adult security guard.
"She was just frantic, I've never heard her talk like that."
"These are all significant stab wounds, every single one."
Franklin Regional High School posted this statement on its website, "A critical incident has occurred at the high school. All elementary schools are cancelled, the middle school and high school students are secure. Additional information will be released as soon as possible. Please keep our campus clear of traffic."
The Murrysville police reportedly moved the high school students to the local elementary school after the stabbing and tweeted this for the parents of those students.
Police say the school principal played a significant role in the suspect's arrest by tackling him before he was arrested.
"I think it could have been a lot worse if there wasn't immediate action that occured"
According to the county's emergency spokesman luckily when the stabbing occurred there were more police officers on hand than usual.
"This was right at shift change so not only did they have the midnight shift leaving they had the daylight shift coming in. ... It was a huge outpouring of officers on scene."
Also in a fortunate twist of fate, Forbes Hospital which took the majority of the paitents just became a trauma unit less than a year ago in October of 2013.
The school is located in Murrysville, Pa. about 15 miles outside of Pittsburgh.