U.S. News


Iran, Russia Deny Taking Voter Information To Influence U.S. Election

Russia, Iran call election interference allegations absurd as U.S. authorities warn the two nations are trying to capitalize on political divisions.
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Moscow and Tehran are denying accusations leveled against them last night by senior U.S. officials.

"We have confirmed that some voter registration information has been obtained by Iran, and separately by Russia," said U.S. National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe.

Russia and Iran say it’s groundless and absurd — as election experts explain it’s “not shocking” because voter registration data is publicly accessible.

Democrats briefed before a last-minute press conference are taking issue with the focus on President Trump being undermined.

"From the briefing, I had the strong impression it was much rather to undermine confidence in elections and not aimed at any particular figure,” said Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. 

Intelligence director Ratcliffe specifically said Iran sent falsely sourced emails — without providing evidence. Newsy obtained an email, which was made to look like it came from the pro-Trump Proud Boys group. 

"The message included an intimidating message suggesting that the person needed to change their party affiliation, vote a certain way," Kristen Clarke, President and Executive Director, Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, told Newsy. "And the center also claimed to have personal information about the individual."

As questions mount, there’s also a bipartisan effort to keep Americans informed yet calm.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) says the only way Iran and Russia will be successful is if Americans fall for it.  

"Iran and Russia know that right now, in our country, Republicans don't trust Democrats and Democrats don't trust Republicans. They know it. And they're using it against our country,” Rubio said.

Sen. Marco Rubio says the only way Iran and Russia will be successful is if Americans like you and me fall for it.