

ThronesWatch Ep.10: Mother's Mercy, That Was Brutal

Our weekly recap vidcast discusses Dany coming full circle, the shamiest shame walk of all time, and, you know, that one death.

Is he or isn't he? You know what we're talking about. - :16 

Daenerys is finally out of Meereen ... and literally right back where she started. - 2:39

The shamiest walk of shame of all time. - 3:56

An incredibly touching scene about incest, then death. - 5:16

The incredibly awesome murder of the dastardly Meryn Trant. - 6:32

Could there be anything more awesome than a blind, faceless assassin? - 7:15

Olly's teen angst. - 7:54

Which was more shocking: The Red Wedding? Or, you know, that one scene from this episode?  - 8:43

#ThronesWatch Power Rankings - 9:45

This video includes images from HBO / 'Game of Thrones' and TheCulinaryGeek / CC BY 2.0 and music from Bensound / CC BY ND 3.0