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Pope Francis: Even Martians Can Be Baptized

During Monday's morning mass, Francis told the crowd no one — not even extraterrestrials — should be denied the rite of baptism.

Pope Francis reiterated his view Monday that everyone has the right to be baptized — and apparently, that invite extends even to Martians.

The pontiff described the hypothetical situation during morning mass. (Via Rome Reports

—According to Vatican Radio, Francis said: "If — for example — tomorrow an expedition of Martians came, and some of them came to us ... And one says, 'But I want to be baptized!' What would happen?"

In other words, says The Wire: "If God prompts some Martians to come to Earth, find the Pope, and say 'we want in on this Catholicism thing.' The pope would probably say 'OK. cool.' But probably in Latin."

The pope was making the point that baptism shouldn't be denied to anyone, including children of unmarried parents. (Via ITN

We're guessing he wasn't totally serious about the aliens part because, after all, he has been known to ditch his prepared speeches in favor of a joke before. 

After his election, he reportedly turned to his cardinals and deadpanned, "May God forgive you for what you have done." (Via New York Post

He once quipped he was the church's pharmacist whose job it was to prescribe prayer. (Via ABC

Joking aside, it's worth noting Pope Francis isn't alone in his compassion toward extraterrestrial life. (Via The Vatican

The Vatican's astronomer said a few years ago he'd baptize a Martian because "any entity — no matter how many tentacles it has — has a soul." (Via The Guardian

The pope says those Martians, by the way, are probably green with long noses and big ears. Who knew?