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These Iranian Women Are Protesting Their Country's Head-Covering Law

An online campaign started the "White Wednesdays" movement.
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These women in Iran don't want to be told what to wear. So they're protesting as a part of a campaign called "White Wednesdays."

Iranian law says women in the country must cover their heads. It's been that way since the Islamic Revolution at the end of the '70s.

But women have taken to the streets and filmed themselves in protest while wearing white clothing or have simply posted pictures online using a hashtag.

"We get out every Wednesday with white shawls or without them," a participant said.

The movement, started by the group My Stealthy Freedom, has grown; now, men in Iran and women around the world are speaking out in solidarity.

"Today, me and my chador-wearing mother decided to unite with the 'White Wednesday' campaign," a participant said.

Those participating say they have nothing against someone wearing a headscarf; they say they just want to be able to choose.