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Trump Says He Hasn't Gotten Any Calls On DAPL And Keystone XL

That's because the White House comment line is closed.
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President Trump doesn't think the Dakota Access and Keystone XL pipelines are a big deal.

"I don't even think it was controversial. You know I approved them — I haven't even heard. I haven't had one call," Trump said.

That's probably because the White House comment line is currently off. The line has a pre-recorded message saying, "The comment line is currently closed, but your comment is important to the president." The line advises callers to leave a comment on the White House website or send a Facebook message.

The comment line was shut off a week before Trump started — under former President Barack Obama.

Some people say they're calling Trump's hotels to comment.

And people showed up at the White House the day he signed the actions to move the pipelines forward.

There was supposed to be public comment on the Dakota Access Pipeline through Feb. 20, but the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers cut it short and issued the easement. 

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe says it will fight the pipeline in court.