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Throwback Thursday: Remember 'Evolution Of Dance'?

In this edition of Throwback Thursday, we look back at the 2006 hit viral video "Evolution of Dance" and where Judson Laipply is now.
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Remember this guy? Yep, it's the "Evolution of Dance" video.

In just six minutes, Judson Laipply took us through decades of dance styles.

Including "The Twist" from the 1950s, Michael Jackson's "Thriller" routine and this. Whatever it is.

That video was from 2006. And it's Throwback Thursday, so ... these dances were probably pretty cool at one point, right? Right?

Back in 2009, Laipply spoke with NBC about how he chooses music and dance styles to include in his videos.

"You look through the history books of all the different songs and what dances were popular with the song," he says.

Laipply also said it comes down to which songs he can get the rights for.

Which might explain why you won't be hearing any of today's radio hits in his video. In fact, NSYNC's "Bye Bye Bye" is the most current song used. It was released in 2000.

But that hasn't stopped people from recreating the video. "Evolution of Dance" has been a big hit with college marching bands.

Back in 2010, the University of Missouri's Marching Mizzou and Golden Girls dance team performed a shortened version of Laipply's video at the Insight Bowl Game.

Just this year, members of the Oregon Marching Band put their own twist on the video, adding Beyonce's "Single Ladies" to the mix.

And when you hear "Evolution of Dance," Jimmy Fallon definitely comes to mind.

With the help of some very famous faces, Fallon's been able to teach us the evolution of mom dancing, hip-hop dancing, dad dancing and how to dance in tight pants. 'Cause you really never know when you're going to need that skill.

Since releasing the original video, Laipply has gone on to create two more versions of "Evolution of Dance" and is working as a motivational speaker.

This video includes music from Space Invaders v Psychadelik Pedestrian / CC BY NC 3.0.