We can see the ad now. Something like:
We wanted to design a stamp that was so simple anyone could use it and so iconic everyone would buy it. Introducing iStamp.
OK, maybe a bit much. But late Apple founder Steve Jobs will appear on a postage stamp in 2015.
That's according to this supersecret document obtained by The Washington Post. On it, you can see Jobs is listed among a slew of other cultural figures including Jimi Hendrix, Wilt Chamberlain and the "Peanuts" gang. (Via YouTube / JimiHendrixVEVO, Library of Congress, Warner Bros. / "A Charlie Brown Christmas")
Oh and "Barrack Obama," which, despite the poor spelling, we think is this guy. He also works for the government, USPS. (Via The Washington Post, The White House / Pete Souza)
According to Engadget, "Stamp subjects are traditionally kept a secret until just before printing to raise public demand."
But USPS might be looking for something extra out of a Steve Jobs stamp. CNET opens its article, "The US Postal Service hopes Steve Jobs can do for it what he once did for Apple."
By that, the site means revitalize a failing company. (Via The Boston Globe)
The Washington Post writes, "The financially strapped service is embarking on a new path now to increase revenue and attract young collectors, one more heavily tilted toward popular subjects."
Of course, there is some irony here.
During his time with Apple, Jobs debuted a number of devices that weren't so great for traditional mail. Slate notes, "It's unclear how Jobs would feel about this honor."
The list of honorees is reportedly subject to change.