U.S. News


Over $200,000 Raised For Christine Blasey Ford's Security Costs

The woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault is the target of "vicious harassment" and death threats, according to her lawyers.
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GoFundMe campaign has raised over $200,000 to cover security expenses for the woman who accused Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual assault.

Christine Blasey Ford and her family were forced to leave their home after being the target of "vicious harassment and even death threats," according to a her lawyers.

The GoFundMe page says it aims to "make it easier for women in her position to come forward despite great risks." 

The Georgetown University law professor who created the campaign said she does not know Ford personally. But she wanted to support her "willingness to contribute to a thorough, fair vetting of a nominee for Supreme Court Justice."

Any extra funds will go to women's organizations or an account for a similar cause, according to the campaign's creator.

Additional reporting from Newsy affiliate CNN.