

The RNC Has Officially Condemned Nazis, KKK And White Supremacists

The resolution was unanimously passed Friday after approval from the White House.
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The Republican National Committee has formally condemned Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan.

In a resolution unanimously passed Friday, the RNC wrote, in part: "the racist beliefs of Nazis, the KKK, white supremacists and others are repulsive, evil and have no fruitful place in the United States."

Members of the committee said a specific, forceful and formal resolution was necessary to show the party is against hateful groups. But Politico reports that some officials "privately scoffed" at the fact the party thought it was necessary.

Prior to passing the resolution, the RNC made sure the White House approved it. The committee also sent other resolutions to the administration for approval.

The RNC's condemnation of racist hate groups comes two weeks after a violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, led to at least one death and several injuries.

Many criticized President Donald Trump for his response to the violence, arguing it wasn't strong enoughThe United Nations and Republican lawmakers also condemned his response. And Trump shut down three presidential advisory councils after members resigned in protest.

But the RNC didn't mention Trump. In fact, one of the sponsors of the resolution said: "This has nothing to do with the president."

House Republicans are now considering their own resolution to condemn not only white nationalist groups but "violence by all groups — regardless of their political affiliation."