You'll be seeing Christian Bale as Moses in theaters soon. But he could also soon be portraying a very different icon — Steve Jobs.
News broke Wednesday the Oscar winner is in talks to play Apple co-founder Steve Jobs in Danny Boyle's upcoming biopic.
It's a biopic that's actually been in the works for years but just hasn't been able to get off the ground. It's switched directors, and Leonardo DiCaprio was rumored to have been circling the Jobs part. Plus, the 1970s-computer-sized elephant in the room ...
Ashton Kutcher already played the late tech genius in "Jobs," the 2013 biopic you probably didn't see. That movie bombed at the box office and with critics.
"Welcome to Apple computer."
"Is this everything?"
"It's a startup."
The two movies have been compared for years, but the Kutcher picture got into theaters quicker. The question now is — is this Jobs movie worth the wait?
Christian Bale certainly seems more qualified for the role than Kutcher, whose main claim to the part was a passing resemblance to Jobs.
And the directors couldn't be more different as well. "Jobs" director Joshua Michael Stern's most recent effort prior to the biopic? "Swing Vote," which wasn't exactly an Oscar contender.
But this upcoming film is headed by Danny Boyle, director of cult classic "Trainspotting" and Oscar winner "Slumdog Millionaire."
Plus, Aaron Sorkin penned the screenplay — the scribe behind, of course, "The West Wing" and "The Social Network."
"As for any charges stemming from the breach of security, I believe I deserve some recognition."
Sorkin's Steve Jobs screenplay is based on Walter Isaacson's best-selling biography from 2011.
The format of the movie also seems a bit more unique than your standard biopic. The Guardian reports that the film will center around Jobs' life in the moments immediately before some of his biggest product launches.
So the talent behind the camera certainly seems stronger with biopic No. 2. But there's still the issue of getting people excited over another biopic on Jobs after the last one was a complete disappointment.
As the Los Angeles Times writes, "While [Jobs was] no doubt a towering, relevant figure in both technology and culture, those two areas are characterized by swiftly moving currents, and it remains to be seen where mass interest lies when the film eventually comes out."
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