

John Krasinski And Stephen Colbert Test Their Fake Vomiting Skills

Stephen Colbert and John Krasinski had a vomiting contest, because apparently that's a thing.

We all know it's important for every actor to be able to cry on command. But how about pretending to vomit? Well, Stephen Colbert put John Krasinski's barfing skills to the test.

"Col. Jessup, did you ..." Krasinski said.

On "The Late Show," Krasinski and Colbert had a fake vomit-off while reading lines from "A Few Good Men."

"You want answers?" Colbert asked.

"I think I'm entitled to them," Krasinski said. 

Kinda gives that iconic scene a different tone, doesn't it?

"You can't handle the truth!" Jack Nicholson said in "A Few Good Men." (Video via Columbia Pictures / "A Few Good Men")

Along with pretending to toss his cookies, Krasinski was on the show to promote his next movie, "13 Hours." The drama hits theaters Jan. 15. 

This video includes an image from Getty Images.