WorldMiddle East


The Refugee Crisis Is Bad: Here's How You Can Help

There are multiple ways to help refugees, even if you're not on the same continent.

Thousands of refugees are flooding into Europe. Here's what you can do to help them. 


The United Nations' refugee agency provides refugees with basic necessities. 

The Migrant Offshore Aid Station rescues refugees in the Mediterranean. It needs donations to continue its operations. 

Doctors Without Borders runs medical facilities in areas mired by conflict. It also runs rescue operations in the Mediterranean. (Video via Doctors Without Borders)

The Red Cross and Red Crescent takes donations so it can continue aiding refugees across the world and in conflict zones.

Syrian Civil Defense volunteers rescue barrel bomb victims in Syria. They take donations for medical aid and better gear. (Videos via Syrian Civil Defense)


Europeans can volunteer to help refugees stuck in places such as Calais

Those in the U.S. can volunteer at local refugeeresettlementcenters to help them adjust to life far from home.


Learn where refugees are coming from and why. 

Learn the difference between refugee and migrant.

Learn what your elected officials are doing about it. (Videos via The White HouseThe Office of the Prime Minister of the U.K. and the German Federal Government)

This video includes music from Brenticus / CC BY 3.0.