Hi, I'm Johannah Grenaway. We're watching stimulus package negotiations in Washington today. Earlier this morning Republican Senator Marco Rubio told Fox News there's agreement on $350 billion in relief to small businesses. That funding would give small businesses two weeks' worth of cash help to pay workers and fund overhead. Economists predict record joblessness ahead of next week's official Labor Department report. Another piece of that stimulus package we learned about this morning — Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Fox News' John Roberts the package includes an average of $3,000 in direct deposits for a family of four. None of this is official until lawmakers actually vote. To that end, a procedural vote is scheduled for 3pm Eastern Time later today. Right now — negotiators are hashing out other details about the broader economic stimulus package — which could inject the economy with as much as $2 trillion. Disagreements on details like boosting Social Security benefits, unemployment insurance, airline industry assistance have caused lawmakers to blow past their self-imposed deadlines over the last couple of days. Newsy will stay on top of the latest out of those negotiations and that vote. Thank you for choosing and trusting us to bring you what you need to know. More headlines coming up in a bit.
Newsy's Latest Headlines
Roundup of latest news related to economic stimulus package negotiations.

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