

Dennis Rodman's Planning Another Trip To North Korea

The Worm is due to make his third trip to the Hermit Kingdom. This time he's expected to help train North Korea's basketball team.
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He just can’t stay away.

Dennis Rodman is returning to the Hermit Kingdom for another round of basketball diplomacy. (Via ITN

CNNreports this time he’ll help train the country’s basketball team, which is due to play an exhibition game against NBA players in January. It isn’t known whether he’ll meet with his buddy Kim Jong-Un.

The retired NBA star and the young dictator have formed a close bond over the past year. Despite the seemingly odd pairing, Rodman says the two have something in common. (Via VICE)

Tweeting: "I'm not a politician … Kim Jung Un & North Korean people are basketball fans. I love everyone. Period. End of story." (Via Twitter / @dennisrodman

Of course, Rodman's far from the ideal ambassador. He's never really been clear on whether he’s choosing to ignore or is just plain unaware of the human rights violations of the not-so-Democratic People’s Republic.

“He’s loves power. He loves control… because of his father. But he’s a great guy. He’s a great guy.” (Via ABC)

His trip is once again sponsored by Irish gambling operation Paddy Power which last year, sent the Worm to Vatican City to promote betting on who the new pope would be.