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Former President Trump Plans Lawsuit Against Social Media Giants

Trump announced a class-action suit against Facebook, Twitter and Google for wrongful censorship.
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Former President Donald Trump is planning to announce a lawsuit Wednesday against three of the country's biggest tech companies: Facebook, Twitter and Google.

Trump will serve as the lead plaintiff in the class-action suit, claiming he has been wrongfully censored by the companies, according to a person familiar with the action.

The person spoke on condition of anonymity to share details ahead of the announcement.

Trump was suspended from Twitter and Facebook after his followers stormed the Capitol building on January 6. The companies cited concerns that he would incite further violence.

Under Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, internet companies are generally exempt from liability for the material that users post.

The law, which provides a legal "safe harbor" for internet companies, also allows social media platforms to moderate their services by removing posts that, for instance, are obscene or violate the services' own standards, so long as they are acting in "good faith."

But Trump and other politicians have long argued that Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms have abused that protection and should lose their immunity — or at least have to earn it by satisfying requirements set by the government.

Additional reporting by the Associated Press.