Science and Tech


How Our Consumption Of Packaged Food Is Hurting The Rainforest

The Rainforest Action Network says the consumption of palm oil — used in products ranging from packaged foods to shampoo — is destroying rainforests.

Want to improve your waistline and save the rainforest?

Well, that might be possible. (Video via Greenpeace)

The Rainforest Action Network says all the palm oil we use is ruining rainforests.

Many packaged foods use palm oil. Cookies, we're looking at you. (Video via Oreo)

Palm oil is also found in fast food and shampoo. 

And the U.S. is one of the biggest consumers

U.S. businesses are big culprits. 

Though some companies say they're monitoring their effect on rainforests. (Video via Cargill)

This video includes images from Getty Images and Alan Cleaver / CC BY 2.0.