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The Keystone XL Pipeline Still Faces At Least One Big Roadblock

The Trump administration might have signed off on the Keystone XL project, but Nebraska still hasn't approved it.
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The Trump administration might have signed off on the Keystone XL project, but the pipeline's still got at least one big hurdle to overcome.

Nebraska — a key state involved in the Keystone expansion — has yet to approve the project, and it doesn't look like the fight to build will be easy.

Part of the original Keystone pipeline runs through eastern Nebraska. But opponents argue the new expansion could pollute fresh water throughout the state.

That's because the proposed route would hit the Ogallala Aquifer, an underground natural water reserve that covers almost the entire state.

Landowners and environmentalists are also concerned about upsetting Nebraska's natural habitats and emitting more greenhouse gases.

That's sort of where the fight starts — the Nebraska Public Service Commission is going to review TransCanada's proposal as well as hear comments from the public.

A final decision likely won't be made until September, at the earliest, but Keystone opponents have already filed petitions to halt approval.

If that doesn't work, they'll protest. Which could end up looking a lot like the fight over the Dakota Access Pipeline last year.

TransCanada has been trying to expand the Keystone pipeline for more than eight years.