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Colin Powell Says He's With Her

He made the announcement at a luncheon on Tuesday in New York.
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Former Secretary of State Colin Powell is #WithHer. 

Powell announced his support for fellow former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at a luncheon in New York on Tuesday. 

SEE MORE: Here's Why Some Write-In Votes For President Might Not Count

The Republican's decision may come as a surprise to people who read his leaked emails about Clinton and Donald Trump. 

He seemed less than enthused about voting for either of the presidential candidates. He reportedly called Clinton "greedy" and said she "comes across as sleazy." He supposedly called Trump "a national disgrace."

In August, he told a reporter he felt Clinton's team had been "trying to pin" her email scandal on him.

But Powell appears to have had a change of heart. He reportedly praised Clinton on Tuesday while telling the crowd why he isn't voting for Trump. 

SEE MORE: Did The Clinton Campaign Throw Powell Under The Bus? He Thinks So

Powell is the fourth George W. Bush Cabinet member to back Clinton. 

He previously endorsed another Democrat — President Barack Obama — in 2008 and 2012.