

House Can Subpoena Don McGahn, Appeals Court Rules

The U.S. appeals court in Washington D.C. ruled 7-2 Friday that the House can sue to force Don McGahn to testify.

A U.S. appeals court in Washington D.C. says the House of Representatives can sue to require former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify about President Trump.

The DC circuit judges ruled 7-2 Friday that the House can go to court to enforce a subpoena, but also declared that McGahn can fight it in court as well.

The House Judiciary Committee has sought McGahn's testimony after special counsel Robert Mueller's Russian election-meddling probe revealed him as a witness to possible obstruction of justice by President Trump.

However, the Trump administration has blocked the former White House counsel from testifying since spring 2019.

House Democrats have accused the president of defying Congress's constitutional role as a co-equal branch of government.

Contains footage from CNN