

The 'Failing' NYT Fact-Checked The President On Its Election Coverage

The New York Times fired back at President Trump after he claimed the paper apologized to its subscribers for its election coverage.
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It doesn't seem like the relationship between President Donald Trump and The New York Times is getting any better. 

Trump spent a lot of time attacking and trying to discredit the media during his campaign. He specifically targeting the Times more than once, calling it "failing," "dishonest" and "fake news." 

Wednesday morning, the president claimed the paper had apologized to its subscribers for its election coverage. 

Not long after that, the Times' communications team shot back on Twitter with, "False, we did not apologize."

What Trump may have been referring to was a letter the Times' publisher and executive editor sent to subscribers a few days after the election. 

Nowhere in the letter is there an apology. Instead, it reiterated the paper's core goal of delivering independent, original journalism and thanked subscribers for their loyalty. 

And the feud hasn't seemed to hurt The New York Times. In February, the paper announced it had more than 3 million paid subscribers after gaining 276,000 digital subscribers in the last three months of 2016. 

That's the largest digital subscription spike the paper has seen since 2011, when its online paywall was put in place.