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Scotland's Leader: Westminster 'Tricked' No Voters

Alex Salmond, leader of the pro-independence campaign, has accused UK political leaders of misleading Scots into voting against the referendum.

Just because the Scottish referendum is over, doesn’t mean the punditry is. The leader of the Scottish “Yes” campaign is now accusing British leaders of going back on their word.

ALEX SALMOND VIA STV: "I suppose I feel sorry for those in the No side who were tricked by Westminster into believing there would be an immediate offer of extra powers.”

Alex Salmond’s referring to when, late in the game, Westminster’s three main political parties promised more powers to Scotland if it voted against splitting up the union.

Salmond attributes that pledge – otherwise known as “Devo Max” or maximum devolution — to the No campaign’s success.  

Prime Minister David Cameron and his counterparts in the Liberal Democrats and Labour parties have not yet agreed on what those powers will look like — only that they’ll have a draft of the laws done by January. (Video via Euronews)

ED MILIBAND, LABOUR LEADER VIA BBC: "We're going to deliver. No ifs, no buts. We're going to deliver on that promise.”

CAMERON VIA ODN"We have delivered on devolution under this Government, and we will do so again in the next Parliament."

Despite comments like those from U.K. party leaders, Salmond is still accusing them is reneging on their promise. But for UK leaders to do so would represent for a broken promise at the highest level and make little sense politically. Instead, here's where the confusion is coming from. 

CAMERON VIA CH4: “We have heard the voice of Scotland — and now the millions of voices of England must also be heard."

To appease his own party, Cameron suggested that if Scotland get extra powers, Scottish lawmakers should be barred Scottish lawmakers from voting on matters that apply only to England.  (Video via U.K. Parliament

Unsurprisingly, Cameron’s announcement was met with skepticism from the Labour party, which holds 41 of Scotland's 59 seats in the House of Commons. Meaning, it’d have less of a say under a system of English votes for English laws. (Via BBC

Labour leader Ed Miliband has called for a constitutional convention to discuss Cameron's English voting plan and devolution in Scotland.  

This video includes images from Getty Images.