

Mayor Rob Ford Is Running For Re-Election

Ford’s spokesperson confirmed the news, meaning the man dubbed the "crack mayor" has 10 months to rehabilitate his image.

If you haven’t gotten enough of Toronto mayor Rob Ford, ladies and gentlemen, you are in luck. Ford is filing for re-election.

Ford’s spokesperson confirmed the news, and The Wire sums up what most of us are probably thinking.

“While it may seem completely insane for a politician to seek re-election after, well, everything Rob Ford has done, it’s not a huge surprise. Though Ford’s mayoral powers have been largely taken away from him, he’s refused to step down and tried to lay low in the last month.”

The infamous mayor had a tumultuous year in 2013 with his admission of drug use… (Via  CBC)

COUNCILOR DENZIL MINNAN-WONG: "Have you purchased illegal drugs in the last two years?"

FORD: "Yes, I have." (Via BBC)

And his response to allegations he offered to perform oral sex on a co-worker…

FORD: "I've never said that in my life to her. I would never do that. I'm happily married; I've got more than enough to eat at home." (Via Toronto Star)

Not to mention various other videos and rumors that have surfaced. (Via Global News)

But perhaps there is hope for a successful re-election.

The Globe and Mail interviewed Ford’s lawyer, Dennis Morris, who says his chances are excellent. Morris says people are more likely to be forgiving when they see that Ford has taken steps to overcome his substance abuse.

Ford has a little over ten months to continue to clean up his image before the election on October 27.