

Chinese Doctor Admits To Stealing And Selling Babies

An obstetrician admitted she stole babies from the hospital where she worked and sold them into human trafficking.

A doctor in China has admitted she stole babies from the hospital where she worked and sold them into human trafficking. That's according to state media and the court there.

The obstetrician was accused of stealing seven babies — telling their parents they had health problems, and persuading them to sign forms surrendering the babies. She then sold the babies to traffickers. (Via WDTN)

"She sold the babies for as little as $165, prosecutors say the human traffickers would then turn around and eventually sell the babies after they made it through one or two more hands, for as much as $9,000." (Via KTTV)

Six of the babies were recovered, thankfully, though the seventh died. The doctor was uncovered when parents felt something was off over the summer. The 56-year-old was actually close to retiring. (Via WAGA)

​​The babies were sold between November 2011 and July 2013, and other suspects have been arrested in this case. The doctor is expected to be punished harshly, possibly getting the death penalty.

A move that might be in hopes of setting an example. Child trafficking is a big problem in China, as the Telegraph reports, because of the country's one-child policy and because couples prefer to have boys.

Though China has made moves to ease that policy, with some reforms coming over the next few years. (Via BBC)

Perhaps what's most disturbing, the doctor reportedly said she only chose families she knew well in this scheme, so that they would trust her without question.