World News


1 Million People March Against Brexit In London

Demonstrators say it's time to put the vote back in people's hands.

Anti-Brexit protest organizers say a million people are marchingthrough central London to call for a second Brexit referendum, part of a campaign called "Put It To The People."

Prime Minister Theresa May has been struggling to solidify a plan for Britain's departure from the European Union. Her two attempts to push plans through Britain’s parliament have failed, and she recently told members of Parliament she won't schedule a third unless it has the votes to pass. 

Some critics of Brexit say the decision should be placed back in the hands of citizens, whose views may have changed with more information regarding the departure.

A speaker at the rally told the BBC that a second referendum is "the only way forward." An online petition to cancel Brexit broke records after more than 4.3 million people signed it. 

The EU has offered to delay Britain’s departure date. If May is able to get a deal finalized in parliament next week, the trading bloc says it’ll extend the UK's departure deadline to May 22nd. If she fails, May will have until April 12 to either make a deal for the UK's departure or leave the trading blocwithout one.

Additional reporting by Newsy affiliate CNN.