For all you die-hard chocolate fans out there, here's some good news to sweeten your Monday a little.
ABC: "They've been looking for years for ways to reverse or prevent that age-associated decline in memory. ... Flavanols, this compound that's in chocolate, can increase the blood flow to the part of the brain that's related to memory."
WTIC: "For three months, three dozen volunteers between the ages of 50 and 67 had a daily cocoa drink. ... Researchers say those who had the higher amount of the compound showed the memory of an average 30- to 40-year-old."
But we should make clear the study was partly funded by Mars, a candy company that makes chocolate bars.
With that in mind, according to the study, it would take about 20 chocolate bars a day to get the needed intake. Wow. Oh, and by the way, milk chocolate doesn't count.
But no matter how you slice it, that amount of chocolate intake might be good for your memory but not for overall health.
WGN-TV: "So gorging could actually cause other health problems."
But if you aren't a chocolate fan, The Telegraph reports there are also healthier foods that contain the substance.
To name a few: tea, celery, parsley, buckwheat, the white pulp of oranges.
The researchers are conducting further studies that will hopefully help them find a way to put flavanols in capsule form.
This video includes images from Fir0002 / CC BY NC 3.0, André Karwath /CCBY SA 2.5, Lombroso and Candrichuk/CC BY SA 3.0.