Mozilla, the company behind the Firefox Web browser, chose a new CEO this week.
Brendan Eich, formerly the CTO of the company, was asked to replace Mozilla’s previous CEO Gary Kovacs. Eich is known for creating JavaScript, a scripting language. (Via Mozilla)
But employees of the company, which describes itself as an "organization that promotes openness," aren't too happy with Eich's promotion. (Via Mozilla)
And that’s because — as the Los Angeles Times reports — he supported Proposition 8 by donating $1,000 to the cause.
Ars Technica notes employees reacted quickly on social media, calling for Eich to step down.
Chris McAvoy of Mozilla's open badges project tweeted, "I'm an employee of @mozilla and I'm asking @brendaneich to step down as CEO." And engagement team member Sydney Moyer tweeted: "I'm an employee of @mozilla and cannot reconcile having @BrendanEich as CEO with our org's culture & mission. Brendan, please step down." (Via Twitter / @sydneymoyer, @iamjessklein, @bevangelist, @varelidi, @chmcavoy)
And the lash-out came despite Eich's message on his personal blog in which he promised to make Mozilla a "place of equality and welcome for all."
In it he writes: "I know some will be skeptical about this. … I can only ask for your support to have the time to 'show, not tell;' and in the meantime express my sorrow at having caused pain." (Via Brendan Eich)
Though Eich himself has yet to respond to the tweets, Mozilla said in a statement to The Next Web, "We expect and encourage Mozillians to speak up when they disagree with management decisions."